Avoid wearing make-up for at least 6 hours after a facial treatment
Always cleanse, tone and moisturize your face; to prevent loss of moisture, protect the skin from make-up and to keep the skin soft and supple
Always remove all traces of make-up at the end of the day
Drink plenty of water (recommended 6-8 glasses per day)
Do not undertake any other facial skincare treatments within 48 hours of facial
Avoid sun-bathing for up to 12 hours
Avoid direct heat (intense sunlight & sunbeds) and indirect heat (sauna, hot bath, shower) for 48 hours after treatment
Do not apply perfume or perfumed products to the treated area within 48 hours
Do not apply any other exfoliating skincare products for 72 hours after facial
Use recommended products to help get the best results from your treatment
Dermaplaning/Microneedling/Microdermabrasion ​
Wash your face with a gentle, acid-free cleanser, tepid water and avoid topical products that contain alpha or beta hydroxyl acids, retinols or Retin-A for approximately 7 days. If irritation occurs after applying the above products, wait a few more days to allow your skin to heal. Under no circumstances should you use a product that abrades the skin within the 72-hour period (no scrubs), nor should you submerge the treated area in chlorinated pool or hot tub for the next 3 to 5 days.
Avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of 14 days post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply SPF 50 , reapply often, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and seek shade when possible. Be careful of sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily for 2 weeks. Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e. heavy workouts, steam rooms or saunas, etc.
Avoid chlorine for 24 hours
Avoid facial waxing for 7 days
Avoid dermal fillers and Botox/ for 2 to 3 weeks.
Do not pick, scratch or aggressively rub the treated area.
No scrubs, polishers or aggressive brushes should be used for 7 days.
Do apply serums as absorption levels with be elevated.
You may experience slight peeling for the first few days. Slight windburn sensation and/or blotchiness are normal for the first few days. Skincare products may tingle or slightly burn for the first 2 days.
No Make up for at least 12 hours
Use recommended products to help get the best results from your treatment
Do not have a hot shower or bath 24 hours after waxing
Avoid any further heat treatments on the waxed area for 24 hours
Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours after waxing
Exfoliate 3 days after waxing to reduce ingrown hairs
Use Lycon Ingrown X-it to eliminate the appearance or lumps, bumps and ingrown hairs
Body Wrap/Body Scrub/Massage
Do not eat a large / heavy meal for the next 24 hours
Avoid alcohol, caffeine or fizzy drinks for at least 24 hours after the treatment
Avoid bathing or showering for preferably 12 hours, to allow the products to continue working
Consider a course of body wraps to gain long-lasting effects
Million Dollar Hair Rejuvenation/Body
Use recommended products to optimize effect of treatment
No heat treatments for 3 days
Avoid direct sun for 2 weeks
No chlorinated water for 24 hours
Preferably use SPF 50 and use of serums
Home rolling system (0.5mm)
Spray Tan
Let your tan set for at least 7-8 hours (overnight if possible) before showering or taking a bath. This allows your tan to develop.
Avoid wearing socks or shoes after your tanning session in order to allow the tan to develop properly on your feet.
Avoid applying moisturizers or deodorants.
Avoid wearing tight clothing for at least 5 hours. This includes tighter-fitting jeans, bras, spandex, tight blouses and shoes/socks.
All swimming, showering and vigorous exercise must be avoided for at least 5 hours as sweating can inhibit the development of your tan.
Do not shave for 12 hours after your treatment.
Remember when you take a shower or a bath you will probably see some colour wash off. Don’t worry. This is quite normal as it is only the colour guide that the spray tan technician uses when the tan is applied. You will be left with a gorgeous tan.
Brow & Lash Tint/ Henna Brows
A patch test will be necessary 24 hours before these treatments
Avoid rubbing the eyes/eyebrows
Avoid heat treatments for 24 hours
Avoid sunbathing for 24 hours, as this fades the tint/henna
Do not receive any other eye treatments for at least 24 hours after your treatment
Do not apply brow/eye make-up for at least 24 hours after your treatment
Avoid swimming for at least 24 hours after your treatment
Please note that oil based make up remover can cause the tint to fade quicker
For the first 24 hours after your treatment it’s important not to allow water to come in to contact with your lashes
For 2 days afterwards do not steam your face, use a steam bath, swim or wash your face with hot water
Do not use waterproof mascara
Use oil free make up remover if mascara is worn (only use a water-based mascara)
Don’t rub your eyes when washing your face – always pat the lashes dry after cleansing
Ensure lashes are not manipulated into different positions (e.g. when sleeping, cleansing the face, applying moisturiser or cosmetics)
Brush Lashes upwards
Preferably use Nouveau Lashes Lash & Brow Conditioning Serum
Brow Lamination
Do not apply make-up or receive any other eye treatments for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
Avoid swimming/sauna for 24 hours
Keep brows dry for 24 hours
Use a brow conditioner daily
Avoid the temptation to over touch the brow area after treatment.
No self-tanning products should be used on the face for 48 hours after the treatment
Brush brows upwards if they are out of place
Use oil free make up remover
Manicure/Pedicure/Gel/Gel Extensions
To prolong the life of your vanish wear gloves to perform any household or work related chores
Apply hand/foot cream regularly
Massage cuticle with oil recommended by your therapist
Use non-acetone varnish remover
Do not remove extensions or gel polish yourself, you should return to the therapist for removal
Use a nail file to gently smooth any chips